Friday, July 31, 2009

N97 camera test

Over at the S60 Blog, Carlton has posted his test images that he’s snapped on the N97.

There’s also a video, and Carlton reckons everything is ‘crisp and clear’. But what do you think of the camera performance? Jump over and let him know.

In depth N97 video review

Michael Sherlock has out his thoughts about the N97 down on video. It makes for an excellent beginner’s guide to the device Make a drink, sit back, enjoy:

Head over
and leave him a comment.

E75, N97, E71, N86 - torn?

Chris Kuzma has realised that being a part of the Teach The Technophobe challenge has served only to present him with a dilemma.

He reckons he’s ‘begun to adore’ the E75 and will be reluctant to return to the E71 (despite its many benefits - ‘more tactile keyboard, crisper performance’, sleeker design). He’s also hankering after an N97, but seemingly only as a stop gap until he gets his hands on an N86. He seems truly torn, do you have any advice for him? Jump over and let him know what you think.

Nokia N97 Photos

Well the Nokia N97 is one of the hottest, most feature packed devices out in the markt right now and so we decided to bring you some very hot pictures of it as well. The photos were taken by Centrinos, a good friend of mine.

Earlier gallery of Nokia N97

Nokia N97 Hands On

Nokia N97 vs Apple iPhone 3G Pictures

N-Gage running on the N97

A couple of videos have been posted on YouTube of the N97 running N-Gage. First up Clinton Jeff from ZOMGItsCJ:

And Ani from the S60 Blog:

Have you installed N-Gage on your N97 yet? What are you thoughts? Jump over to either vid to share them.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Google maps on the N800

For Die hard N800 users will know that the Navicore GPS kit has been available for the internet tablet for a few weeks now. But the N800 can help you get around if you’re without the GPS accessory.

Jim, from the Starry hope blog, has got his hands on an N800 and has put a video up demonstrating how Google Maps works on the device. Whilst it can’t give you your exact GPS location without the GPS receiver, you can log on, on the move and get directions. Jump over to see and comment.

use your bluetooth as PowerPoint controller


PhonePoint is the professional wireless presentation tool.

It has been designed from the ground up as a tool for presenters; slowly fine tuned with feedback from these professionals, people for whom presentations play an essential role in their job.

Whether an occasional PowerPoint user or, if indeed, presentations are a critical part of your job, PhonePoint will give you a competitive and polished edge when delivering PowerPoint presentations. With PhonePoint you can concentrate upon just the presentation and the audience, leaving the PC well alone.


  • PhonePoint allows you, remotely from your phone, to move Forward, Backward and Restart your presentation.
  • Seamless Bluetooth Integration (support for the Toshiba, Widcomm, BlueSoleil, Microsoft and other common bluetooth stacks).
  • No user configuration - works right out of the box! Direct access to the bluetooth stack, no slow browsing-for bluetooth devices or time spent attempting to connect-to a Bluetooth device - it just works!
  • Ideal for presentations using a projector - freeing you up to stand next to your presentation. No more sneaky change-slide hand signals to a colleague positioned next to the PC.
  • Large and Clear display of the Current Slide’s Title and Position.
  • Keep your presentation on track - counters display the time spent on the current slide and for the total presentation.
  • Quickly (and Privately) access the Speaker Notes for the Current Slide on the phone’s screen.
  • Supports all Series60 phones in their native screen resolutions.
  • Remotely play (and stop) video and audio embedded within slides.
  • Works wirelessly up to 10 meters - 30 foot from your PC.
  • Fully compatible with Windows Vista and Office 2007.